The publications related with the study site:

Żywiec M., Ledwoń M., Holeksa J., Seget P., Łopata B., Fedriani J.M. 2018. Rare events of massive plant reproductive investment lead to long-term density-dependent reproductive success. Journal of Ecology 106: 1307–1318.
Holeksa J., Jaloviar P., Kucbel S., Saniga M., Svoboda M., Szewczyk J., Szwagrzyk J., Zielonka T., Żywiec M. 2017. Models of disturbance driven dynamics in the West Carpathian spruce forests. Forest Ecology and Management 388: 79–89.
Żywiec M., Holeksa J., Ledwoń M., Seget P. 2013. Reproductive success of individuals with different fruit production patterns. What does it mean for the predator satiation hypothesis? Oecologia 172: 461–467.
Żywiec M. 2013. Seedling survival under conspecific and heterospecific trees: the initial stages of regeneration of Sorbus aucuparia, a temperate fleshy-fruited pioneer tree. Annales Botanici Fennici 50: 361–371.
Żywiec M., Zielonka T. 2013. Does a heavy fruit crop reduce the tree ring increment? Results from a 12-year study in a subalpine zone. Trees – Structure and Function 27: 1365–1373.
Żywiec M., Holeksa J. 2012. Sprouting extends the lifespan of tree species in a seedling bank: 12-year study. Forest Ecology and Management 284: 205–212.
Żywiec M., Holeksa J., Ledwoń M. 2012. Population and individual level of masting in a fleshy-fruited tree. Plant Ecology 213: 993–1002.
Holeksa J., Zielonka T., Żywiec M. 2012. Norway spruce Picea abies regeneration and canopy disturbance in a carpathian subalpine forest. In: Spruce: Ecology, Management and Conservation. New York, USA, pp. 1–40.
Holeksa J., Żywiec M., Parusel J., Szewczyk J., Zielonka T. 2008. Subalpine spruce forests in the Babia Góra National Park. W: Saniga M., Kucbel S., Holeksa J., Żywiec M., Parusel J., Szewczyk J., Zielonka T., Jaworski A., Kołodziej Z., Bartkowicz L. (eds), Structure, production, coarse woody debris and regeneration processes of Norway spruce natural forest in National Nature Reserves Babia hora and Pilsko. Technical University in Zwolen, Faculty of Forestry. 49–96.
Żywiec M. 2008. The growth rate of rowan (Sorbus aucuparia L.) versus subalpine spruce stand breakdown. Sylwan 4: 38–45.
Żywiec M., Ledwoń M. 2008. Spatial and temporal patterns of rowan (Sorbus aucuparia L.) regeneration in subalpine spruce forest in West Carpathians. Plant Ecology 194: 283–291.
Holeksa J., Zielonka T., Żywiec M. 2008. Modelling the decay of coarse woody debris in a subalpine Norway spruce forest of the West Carpathians, Poland. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38: 415–428.
Holeksa J., Żywiec M. 2005. Spatial pattern of a pioneer tree seedling bank in old-growth European subalpine spruce forest. Ekológia (Bratislava) 24: 263-276.
Holeksa J. 2003. Relationship between field-layer vegetation and canopy openings in a Carpathian subalpine spruce forest. Plant Ecology 168: 57-67.
Holeksa J. 2001. Coarse woody debris in a Carpathian subalpine spruce forest. Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt 120: 256-270.
Holeksa J., Cybulski M. 2001. Canopy gaps in a Carpathian subalpine spruce forest. Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt 120: 331–348.
Holeksa J. 2000. Distribution of Sorbus aucuparia (Rosaceae) regeneration in relation to trees in a subalpine spruce forest (W. Carpathians, Poland). Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 45: 203–212.
Holeksa J. 1998. Rozpad drzewostanu i odnowienie świerka a struktura i dynamika karpackiego boru górnoreglowego. Monographiae Botanicae 82: 1–201.